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Premium Plastic Surgery Clinic


Reducing excess skin on the tummy, which is most often caused by pregnancy or weight loss.
We offer non-binding consultations free of charge.

Price from:

1 417 €











About the procedure

Abdominoplasty is increasingly sought-after nowadays, throughout the world and also in our country. The trend is to keep your skin as beautiful and strong as possible. Many women are struggling with relaxed muscles, overhang and excess skin on their stomachs, and with stretch-marks, which can be very depressing for many people. A lasting solution to this problem is a mini-abdominoplasty, which effectively reduces excess skin on the tummy without interfering with the navel. We perform abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty doesn’t solve weight loss, but it removes body’s excess skin by surgery. The invasive mini-abdominoplasty procedure takes between 30and 60 minutes.

More informations

The surgery is mainly done in general anaesthesia, so hospitalisation is always required for at least 1 day. It can be combined with tumescent, vibration or laser liposuction of the abdomen for even better results and it’s suitable for both men and women.

A great advantage is that mini-abdominoplasty can be done either only on the upper abdomen or only on the lower abdomen, or on both. Abdominoplasty is performed in the case of overhanging or excessive ugly skin, including treatment of split middle muscles. Surgical treatment of the upper abdomen effectively solves correction of loose and drooping skin, including correction of the so-called diastasis. If a complete abdominal adjustment was performed, it would be a classic abdominoplasty.

In case of lower abdominoplasty, up to a third of the skin and subcutaneous part is removed, the resulting scar is approximately 20 cm. By combining the upper and lower mini-abdominoplasty, the entire abdominal area is relaxed without the need to relocate the navel, unlike in other surgical solutions.

Benefits of the procedure

  • checkStrengthening of the abdominal area including separated abdominal muscles (the so-called diastasis)
  • checkRemoving overhanging skin and improving the appearance
  • checkCorrection of the skin in a place that is most troublesome for both women and men
  • checkThe resulting effect has a longer and more lasting impact
  • checkA simple solution after giving birth or after large weight loss
  • checkShorter convalescence (shorter burdening of the organism) as compared to classic abdominoplasty

The course of treatment

The procedure is performed in general anaesthesia. When performing mini-abdominoplasty on the lower abdominal area, which is one of the most frequently demanded surgeries in our country, the cut is kept as low as possible in the lower abdomen, so that the subsequent scar is hidden beneath the undergarment (after healing, it can be corrected by laser treatment). Excess skin is removed, split muscles are corrected.

In the case of mini-abdominoplasty on the upper abdomen, the cut is performed in the under-breast line, so that the scar isn’t visible; the overhanging skin is removed in the same way and the abdominal muscles are adjusted. Cuts are surgically stitched.

Our results

Before the procedure

No exercise or body-building will relieve you of this problem, only mini-abdominoplasty. If you’re not satisfied with your appearance in the abdominal area and decide to undergo the procedure, it’s necessary to consult the attending physician, who will propose the most optimal procedure, so that the result is safe, natural and doesn’t burden you. It’s necessary to know that the surgery can’t be performed, if you are breast-feeding, because the hormonal level isn’t balanced. It’s recommended not to take medication which increases bleeding, such as Acylpyrin, Anopyrin, or those containing acetylsalicylic acid, for about a week prior to surgery.

Contraindication, or suitability of the procedure, is limited if:

You have inflammation, infection or you’re sick, including an inflammatory skin problem
You’re being treated for a cancer
You have a blood-clotting disorder
You have an allergic reaction

In the case of abdominoplasty, pre-surgery examinations are always required to avoid any health problems. Furthermore, it’s important to always notify your doctor regarding any other medical conditions and illnesses in order to avoid subsequent unnecessary difficulties. Only healthy clients are admitted to the procedure.

After the procedure

Convalescence after surgery consists of approximately a week of home rest in work incapacity. After treatment, it’s recommended not to expose the body to higher physical strain and sports for around 2-3 weeks. However, it’s advisable to avoid excessive physical strain on your body, sunbathing and tanning salons for a further two months. It’s necessary to wear special elastic strengthening clothes for up to 2 months after the procedure, even at night (except during intimate hygiene), and to follow all the instructions from the attending physician important for good healing and treatment, including a good resulting effect.

Stitches are removed about 3 weeks after surgery. Scars caused by this are horizontal, initially red, and we recommend massaging them gently. Changing dressings and a check-up always take place after approximately 14 days.

Mini-abdominoplasty actually has an effect on improving the physical appearance of the abdomen. The resulting effect after the procedure, visible after about 3 months, is permanent depending on maintaining a constant weight, of course the role of aging is also important here, when the body loses its elasticity and strength and this can cause the skin to loosen again.

A strong and flat belly, narrower waist. Everyone can be happy in their body – but removing unsightly and unnecessary skin in your abdomen in order to strengthen the body will increase both your satisfaction and self-confidence, which is so important. Age doesn’t matter – you can look even better at any age.